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Enhancing NDC

Submitted by saif on

Indonesia will achieve ambitious NDC reduction target of 18% compared to BAU scenario

  • Based on key global benchmarks for Paris Agreement 1.5°C compatible pathways a rapid decline of GHG and CO2 emissions by 45% compared to 2010 levels is to be achieved by 2030. Indonesia can increase ambitions in the energy sector to reduce emissions by 18% compared to the business as usual. Achievement of the ambitious target will require the 2030 emissions to drop to 930 MtCO2-e compared to the 2030 BAU emissions of 1,134 MtCO2-e.
  • Based on emission constraints and OSeMOSYS least-cost electric generation the overall emissions from this scenario is 660 MtCO2-e, a drop of 574 MtCO2-e compared to the baseline. This will be achieved by:
  • Reducing the consumption emissions by 77 MtCO2-e. This is largely acheived by implementing energy efficiency measures (see EE section [link here] for details) and fuel switching in the transport sector.
  • Reducing the electricity generation emissions by 397 MtCO2-e. This is achieved by changing the fuel mix in the power sector. See renewabe energy section [link here] for details.