Investment in the power sector is needed for the energy transition
In the SDG scenario, the investment requirement would be IDR 203 trillion (US$14 billion) annually i.e., IDR 2,030 trillion (US$140 billion) by 2030. The investment requirements for Indonesia’s SDG scenario is explained: access to electricity requires zero additional funding, and by switching to an offgrid solar home system with battery storage for rural electrification Indonesia can save IDR 0.4 trillion (US$ 30 million) by 2030. Access to clean cooking fuels and technologies requires additional investment of IDR 9.77 trillion (US$ 688 million) by 2030. Renewable energy investments in the power sector would be IDR 2,473 trillion (US$174 billion) by 2030. Achievement of energy efficiency will provide a net financial saving (excluding electric vehicles) of more than IDR 460 trillion (US$32 billion) by 2030 and will help reduce the overall investment needed.