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Renewable Energy

Submitted by saif on

The renewable energy share in total final energy consumption will increase to 20.82% by 2030

  • The share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption will be 20.82% by 2030, which is the optimum share to ensure the achievement of other SDG7 targets and the NDC constraints.
  • Renewable energy generation is projected to increase significantly and contribute 57% of the total electricity generation in 2030, led by growth in hydropower, geothermal and solar power technologies.
  • Coal-fired power plants capacity addition will be reduced to 5GW, compared to 35GW capacity addition planned.
  • The total net benefits from the power sector will be 361 Billion USD, over 124 Billion USD higher compared to the current policy scenario. This is because of the higher running fuel and O&M costs of fossil fuel based power plant lifetime costs.

