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Contribution of SDG7 Road Map to The Development of National Energy Policy Fiji

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ESCAP collaborated with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Meteorological Services to support the development of the SDG 7 road map for Fiji. The SDG 7 road map significantly contributed to updating the National Energy Policy 2021-2030. The NEP (in the draft as of October 2021) refers to the roadmap and acknowledges the support of ESCAP

The road map was completed in August 2021 and endorsed by the National Cabinet in its meeting in January 2022. The road map was officially launched in March 2022 by Honourable Mr. Jone Usamate, Minister for Infrastructure and Meteorological Services along with Ms. Arminda Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of UN ESCAP and Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha, UN Resident Coordinator, Fiji. 

The key policy directions from the road map are to:

  • Ramp up renewable power capacity with an aim to achieve 100 per cent renewable power by 2036.
  • Promote a combination of electric cooking stoves and LPG stoves as long-term solutions to achieve universal clean cooking access. 
  • Introduce multi-sectoral energy efficiency improvement such as minimum energy performance standards and labelling schemes as well as building codes 
  • Implement progressive transport policies, such as minimum fuel economy standards, increasing the share of electric vehicles to 25 per cent for land transports, and gradual replacement of two-stroke with four-stroke outboard motors to 100 per cent by 2030 for marine transports.
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