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Moving towards a greener industrial economy

Submitted by saladin on
Bhutan’s industrial sector is the largest energy-consuming sector, at the same time, account for more than 70 per cent of the GHG emissions from the energy sector and IPPU. NEXSTEP analysis shows that much can be reduced, particularly GHG emissions, through material substitution. Additionally, energy efficiency can be realised from the different sub-sectors.

Building on the recommendations provided in the LEDS for Industries and as analysed in this roadmap, The Government of Bhutan should take steps to encourage the implementation of the energy saving and GHG emission reducing measures. Energy audits should be promoted to all industries to identify and realise the energy savings potential. In addition, various policy measures can be considered for accelerating the green transformation through a range of policy measures. These may include market instruments (i.e., subsidies or taxes), emissions cap and trade systems or regulatory instruments. The Practitioner’s Guide to Strategic Green Industrial Policy by Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) provides industrial policymakers with tools and information for developing a strategic green industry policy (SGIP).