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Transport electrification is key to energy demand reduction and GHG emission reduction

Submitted by saladin on
Transport electrification is key to energy demand reduction and GHG emission reduction

Ambitious policy actions for the transport sector are critical for Bhutan to achieve the SDG 7 energy efficiency target while contributing towards climate mitigation. Bhutan has recently developed its national EV roadmap. It projects a high transport activity growth, which coupled with the stipulated annual sales targets, and may not allow Bhutan to meet its energy efficiency improvement target of 3 per cent per annum.

Assuming a more conservative transport growth rate that is similar to the GDP growth, NEXSTEP analysis found that electric vehicle penetration of 40 to 50 per cent for passenger road transport and an electric vehicle share of 20 per cent for freight transport are required to meet the energy efficiency target. This, in turn, requires more ambitious annual sales targets than those stipulated in the national EV roadmap. 
With Bhutan’s 100 per cent renewable power share, electric vehicles can help substantially to reduce overall GHG emissions. Other positive impacts include reducing local pollutant emissions due to their zero-tailpipe emissions.