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Implementation of energy efficiency measures will lead to huge electricity savings in the commercial built environment

Submitted by Charlotte on
Implementation of energy efficiency measures will lead to huge electricity savings in the commercial built environment

Iskandar Malaysia has taken the initiative to promote a green built environment through the Green Accord Initiative Award (GAIA) and the Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE). Nevertheless, substantial energy savings of 190 ktoe in 2030, as modelled in the SET scenario, can only be realised through widespread adoption of best practices. The proposed energy efficiency measures as modelled in the SET scenario are projected to produce electricity savings of 190 ktoe in 2030, indirectly reducing GHG emissions.

Investment Grade Audit (IGA) and the subsequent implementation of the identified energy savings opportunities can be an effective measure can be promoted for all existing government buildings and shopping malls - the largest energy consumers in the sector which contributed around 60 per cent of the total commercial energy demand in 2019. The performance of an energy audit is important to the establishment of the baseline consumption patterns and identification of the measures to be taken in improving energy efficiency, while IGA can be regarded as the most detailed energy audit practice. As suggested in KeTTHA (2015), the total savings that can be achieved from the energy savings measures identified through an IGA are a minimum 15 per cent – a substantial figure.

In addition, adherence to the MS1525 building standard or a maximum BEI can be encouraged or made compulsory (depending on the regulatory feasibility) for new buildings. Adherence to the voluntary standard is expected to bring the electricity consumption of regular buildings to around 135 kWh/m2 (KeTTHA, 2015), as modelled for new governmental buildings and new private offices in the SET scenario. On the other hand, maximum BEI can be established in guiding sustainable development of new shopping mall buildings.

The benefits of green buildings or energy efficient buildings do not end with just energy demand and GHG emission reduction. Active promotion of a sustainably built environment could lead to a growing green building industry in the region and increased employment. From the perspective of building owners and operators, benefits come in the form of increased building valuation and reduced electricity bills. Socially, sustainability-guided building designs also promote better well-being and health as well as an increase in work productivity.